75% Almost there

YES Cameron! I'd like to arrange a private golf lesson with you.

I understand that you don't do the typical 30 minute type lessons (because they don't work too well) and I'll be signing up for either a 9 hole or 18 hole, on course golf coaching session. You'll essentially "throw the book at me" and help me to find my natural game, lock into the principles of Automatic Golf and assist me in bringing my best game to the course.

Enter Your Details

You've made a great decision!

My golf coaching private sessions are the ultimate in golf learning. While it's fine to read books and watch videos, nothing beats a in-person and private golf coaching session with someone who understands both the mechanics of the golf swing AND natural learning principles. I am going to pass on all my knowledge to you out on the golf course, in a fun, friendly and game changing experience.


  • Q.Where are the lessons held?

    A.I now live in Toowoomba, QLD and we’ll go play at one of the local courses here.

  • Q.Does the price include my travel costs?

    A.No, you are required to get to Toowoomba and any travel costs are with you.

  • Q.Can you come and visit me?

    A.Yes. Please contact me for pricing.

  • Q.Is there a guarantee?

    A.No. I can’t offer a refund on my golf coaching services. If you’re worried about the quality of what you’ll receive or you’re not yet sure about Automatic Golf, then I don’t recommend you proceed further.

  • Q.I just want a short lesson, can you help me?

    A.I’m sorry. I don’t do the typical short lessons (around 45 minutes) because I don’t believe they work that well. What I offer is real coaching that will help you bridge the gap from where you are currently playing to where you think you should be.

  • Q.What will you teach me?

    A.I don’t teach you anything. This is about coaching and this is vastly more profound than anything any teacher can show you. But, what you want to get out of the day is up to you. I work with you to discover your true goals and then help put you on a path to unlocking them.

  • Q.I haven't been playing that long, can you still help me?

    A.Yes. I don’t care what your current level is. All I care about is you turn up and are willing to learn and give things your full attention.

  • Q.I'm an elite golfer, will this help me?

    A.I have worked with everyone from weekend warriors to tour professionals. The bottom line is this:

    We are all hard-wired the same way and have the same capacity to learn. So yes, the Automatic Golf process doesn’t change that much because of your skill level.

    I have found that many elite golfers struggle with the same things as the typical golfers and therefore benefit equally as well from the Automatic Golf way.

  • Q.Can you help me with accommodation and/or travel?

    A.Yes. I can recommend places to stay and give you a rundown on the best way to get here.

  • Q.Is the 9 hole or 18 hole session best?

    A.The 18 hole session gives us more time to go over your game but we’ll still get some great results with a 9 hole coaching session.

    If budget allows, please choose the 18 hole version because we simply have more time to cover things in more detail.

  • Q.I'd like to share this with a family member/friend, is that possible?

    A.Yes. Please contact me and we’ll work out a pricing option for you.

  • Q.How do I choose a day/time for this session?

    A.You can contact me prior to ordering to work out a date. Or you can order today and I’ll be in contact with you to arrange.

What People Are Saying

I had the best golf learning day of my life. Cameron really opened my eyes up to what's possible! I feel that I could apply things I learnt on the day to other areas of my life as well. And the guy is a top bloke!

Michael Murphy, Mackay, QLD

Cameron's passion is the beauty of playing the game of golf and the deeply rewarding learning that can come from it, and in coaching himself and others, I honestly don't know of anyone, in a very confused world of golfers and coaches, who does it better.

Scott Barrow, Master Coach

Within several weeks of visiting you, I dropped my handicap by 7 shots...

David Walker, Sydney