An Important Message For Any Golfer Who Misses Too Many Putts
The Putting Manifesto
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Missing an easy putt is frustrating.
Missing lots of putts can drive you to the point of despair. And if you miss enough important putts that you know you should be sinking can force you from the game.
And the not so funny thing with poor putting, is you probably perform other areas of the game well.
You can whack the ball well from the tee.
You’re good with your irons.
You can recover from trouble spots and you have a reliable short game.
This is not always the case, but my best clients, for the most part, share this commonality.
There’s something to be said about putting being “easy”. And because we hit the ball so well, we naturally feel that getting the ball into the hole should be straightforward. It isn’t always the case.
Experience tells me that you’ve over complicated the putting game. You think too much about it and you try too hard.
Not at first. In the beginning you probably used to sink plenty of putts, but along the way, you’ve let a few misses derail you.
And after months (or years) of fumbling around with the putter in your hands, you’ve slowly destroyed your natural flair for putting.
Now, you struggle to get the ball into the hole from 3 feet. You miss lots of these “gimmes” and you 3-putt way more than you like.
And when you do sink some putts, it’s anything but easy. You feel anxious. You get nervous. And you lack any sort of belief that you can do it again. You may even experience the putting yips each time you face a vital putt.
Simply, you have little trust in your own ability to roll the ball into the hole.
And this lack of trust makes golf too hard and kills enjoyment…
… not to mention it’s impossible to maximize your scoring potential.
If this sounds like you I know what you’re going through.
The above is a carbon-copy of my story.
I used to flush the ball from tee to green but then make an idiot of myself on the greens.
My story differs from most because before I used to putt like a fool, I helped a junior golfer at my club with his putting.
That junior was Aaron Baddeley and he went on to become one of the best putters on the planet. At his peak, he lead the USPGA Tour in putting.
“Cameron Strachan turned my putting from the weakest link into my strongest.
Aaron Baddeley, PGA Tour Star
“Using Cameron’s system has helped me become a successful putter which in turn has enabled me to win professional golf tournaments.
“I believe that Cameron’s methodology will help you improve your putting and turn it into your greatest strength”.
But this isn’t about Aaron. It’s about helping you putt better.
If I have a super skill it is being able to simplify the putting game and help frustrated golfers sink more putts they know they should make.
This is not a quick-fix (far from it) and I’m certainly not going to ask you to rebuild your stroke.
You see, my approach is different. I tried all the usual theories, bought new putters and tried to fix my stroke too many times to count.
But it never worked.
Actually, let me back up a little here …
Sometimes, things would work. I could putt well on some days.
But (and this is important),
Things wouldn’t last. It was like one step forwards and then two back.
And this taste of success, only to have it fail the next game out (or even the very next hole) was even more frustrating and annoying.
From here I was forced to find new theories or a new putter or some "magic" tip to get through my next game.
It was a never-ending nightmare on a frustrating merry-go-round.
The way out of the putting doldrums was to move away from the technical approach and replace it with something else.
And the “something else” for me was so profound it changed my golfing life.
What was it?
I replaced the TECHNICAL approach with a LEARNING model.
And before you think I’m about to go all weird with you, think again.
The fact is, we are all hardwired to LEARN. We all have the same capacity to LEARN.
So, while you may not be able to rock your shoulders, keep your wrists firm, take the putter back squarely and keep your eyes over the ball while simultaneously trying to sink that tricky 4 footer on 18…
… you are able to roll the ball towards a target and LEARN from every putt.
Not only do you get better and better over time.
Your technique will improve all by itself.
It's easier to do (because it's actually very normal for us)
And enhanced results happen as a natural side effect.
Can you say WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN?
My research suggests that only 2% of golfers can make the technical approach work for them.
For the other 98% all the technique disrupts their learning style. And so there’s no confusion, let me say this another way.
The very thing that you’re using to fix your putting - all those tips, theories and techniques - are actually causing you the pain.
The very thing that you’re using to fix your putting - all those tips, theories and techniques - are actually causing you the pain.
And the more tips and theories you try, the worse you become. It’s a total disconnect from HOW you should be putting…
… and this explains why on your worst days you struggle to roll the ball into the hole from a foot!
I call my approach Natural Learning and I’ve devoted the last 25 years of my life to exploring its full potential. And along my journey, I’ve helped over 20,000 golfers unlock their authentic putting game.
I appreciate this all might sound a bit different and perhaps even “too good to be true”. I get it. You don’t know me and you’re here because there’s something that doesn’t sit right with you with respects to your putting.
Simply, you want to sink more putts WITHOUT all the BS. You want to stop feeling so anxious each time you walk onto the green. And if I can be presumptuous, you want to stop feeling so embarrassed (and annoyed, angry and ashamed) with your current putting performances. You just want to sink more of the putts you know you should make!
At this point most are expecting a sales message for a book or paid course. Not me. But I am going to ask for a tiny little commitment from you.
You see, I have written a FREE Putting Manifesto that digs deeper into this natural learning approach and highlights why you can’t sink the putts you know you should (and more importantly shows you a better path).
The manifesto is one of the best things I’ve written (I’ve written 14 books) and it’s yours FREE.
The only catch is I need to send access credentials to you and I need your email address to get the ball rolling.
Your details are safe. I don’t rent, sell or give away your details. And I promise, there’s no spamming going on.
If you’re struggling with your putting game I believe you’ll enjoy reading my Putting Manifesto. You can access everything by entering your details below.
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Thanks for your time and good luck with your putting,
Cameron “Natural Learning Rules” Strachan
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The Putting Manifesto
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