Learning Secret #3:
Learn to see golf as
one large happy system

A common approach is to break golf down into many parts; then build your game piece by piece and put it back together again.

Although this is a popular approach, it leads to many problems. The main concern is that your mindset is always on fixing something. Just when you think you’ve solved one problem – another one, two or three issues come to mind. It’s not much fun and doesn’t lead to better play.

  • Thinking about too many swing thoughts
  • Trying a different swing or method each time you play
  • Searching for the swing tip that will give you instant results
  • Breaking the golf swing down into many parts, then having to put it back together again
  • Getting stuck and not sure where to go next
  • Forgetting that golf is about playing, not fixing
  • Blaming other parts of your game for your failure (like poor putting or short game)
  • Missing out on the real enjoyment that’s on offer. Golf should be fun but if you’re always fixing your swing you miss out.

Best results are achieved when you think about golf as a complete system, not symptoms.

If you imagine your golf game as one system, including your golf swing, you’ll do just fine. The golf swing is just a part of the golf learning puzzle.

Many golfers make the game difficult
by focusing solely on the swing.

Example: Have you ever tried to fix your swing? It can be a difficult exercise. Think of the poor golfer that spends years working on one thing after the other. He has no real mission and his mindset is locked on getting something fixed. 

Sadly this golfer never enters playing mode. He never lets go and never allows his system to express his full talent.

He misses out on years of fun and success. Sure, he turns up and has a hit – but does he really enjoy his game? I don’t think he does.

A huge part of my coaching is helping golfers learn the power of automation. 

Automatic (or natural) learning is when you learn to program in your swing and then perform the motion without thinking about all the technical stuff. This might just be the real secret to playing your best golf.

Think about it for a minute?

You’re standing on the first tee feeling nervous: but instead of stuffing up and duffing the shot, you’re able to tap into your “A-game swing” and hit a great shot.

And it gets better. If you do this properly, you’re able to play this way without thinking about your swing or any technique. You can actually FORGET about all the BS you’ve been reading in the golf mags.

It’s like playing awesome golf without the stress or strain of remembering 101 things or the worry of doing something wrong.

Automatic Golf is a simple strategy to unlock
success without you having to think about it.

..and bypasses all the traditional issues of playing good golf when you feel the pressure.

Sound too good to be true?

Although it does sound amazing it’s actually how you do most other things in life.

Can you drive a car without panic and worry?

Are you able to ride a bike without too much stress?

Can you throw a ball consistently with power and accuracy? 

The answer usually is a big YES!

And the reason you’re able to drive a car, ride a bike and throw a ball so well is because these skills have been learned to the automatic level.

Golfers have missed out on the magic of automatic because almost nobody is coaching it or understands it. When you make automatic golf part of your system, you will succeed.

And the only way you can unlock automatic is if you embrace the art of playing golf. You’ve got to stop thinking so much about your swing and breaking the game into so many parts.

Play the game. And see golf as one happy system where your real focus is becoming committed to getting the ball from point A to point B. This is the ultimate in simplicity and is a true artform. And it could be the easiest and fastest way to get your game to where you think it should be.

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