Idon’t like golf tips or quick fixes one bit. I don’t think they work that well and generally are full of false hope and promises. Although many golf publications rely on golf tips for income – I strongly believe they do more harm than good.
The following is more than a quick tip – I hope you can incorporate it into your game and see an improvement in your game and speed of play.
Don’t take practice swings
There are a few reasons for this;
- You will get tired – some golfers take three or four practice swings before each shot. This can add up to be quite a number by the end of the day.
- You’ll be more likely to think about your technique – I have found that when I take practice swings I start thinking about my golf swing. This is not the end of the world, but over thinking increases the chances of losing the flow and diminishing creativity. Ultimately this leads to nervousness, self-doubt and hesitation.
- You’ll play more slowly – Slow play is a huge problem. With rounds pushing five hours I think more should be done to speed up play. Practice swings aren’t the whole problem but they are a good start. If each player could take 20-30 seconds less per shot then this would make a difference. By not taking a practice swing you’ll easily save this time.
You may think that you require a practice swing to rehearse an upcoming shot. It seems like a good idea but it won’t guarantee anything. Perfect practice swings lead to nothing if you’re not committed and perform the real swing instinctively. Focus your attention on playing automatically, forget about practice swings.
The exceptions
Practice swings can be used to warm up and when you’re feeling tight and stiff. The goal here is to warm up and get your body loose. Leave swing changes for later and don’t focus too hard on your technique. Warm up and then play.
You may also need a practice swing to learn about the environment. For example, you may need to test the rough near your ball to get an idea of what club to choose or to learn how far you can swing with a tree branch impeding your back swing. These are the exceptions to the rule and thankfully shouldn’t happen that often.
Summing up
The same “practice swing free” rules should apply for the putting green – I have had great success by not rehearsing the stroke. Looking and reacting to the target not only allows for a free flowing putting stroke, it saves plenty of time too.
If you do feel the need for a practice swing do it behind the ball – and don’t waste time. Do it quickly. If you’re feeling game play a round or two and compare your scores. I’m sure you’ll see an improvement and I bet you’ll have more energy after five (hopefully four) hours on the course.
Go for it!