Some great news. I’ve teamed with a local Melbourne radio DJ (Dan Lyons) and we’re producing a weekly podcast (just an online version of radio) all about golf.

Dan’s a real professional and he hosts the show and takes it in all sorts of interesting directions. Best of all he knows how to dig deep and get some great information out of me. At first I wasn’t so sure this was such a great idea – but after hearing the first episode this could be a winner. Dan has done a great job and even makes me sound like I know what I’m talking about 🙂

Best of all it will enable me to share my passion of automatic golf and learning to a wider audience. That can only be a good thing.

We’ve come up with some great episode ideas so be sure to sign up to receive all notifications. The Rogue Golfer is going to be free of charge and you can get your hands (or ears) on the first episode by going here or listening to it below.

Let me know what you think.

Rogue Golfer Podcast