I’ve decided to put together an online Golfgooroo forum. This will be a place for like minded golfers to ask questions, partake in some banter and create an Automatic Golf community.
It’s early days, the forum will take shape over time – I have got it up and running this weekend without spending lots of time making it look pretty or worrying about topics and discussion points. The plan is to see how it goes and what comes of it.
For it to be a success it will need your input. Don’t be shy, get involved and I’m sure it will become a useful learning resource. I’m prepared to put the work in to make it successful, but it will only work if we all join together.
There’s no cost to get involved but you will need to register to be able to post your own comments. I look forward to seeing you join in and becoming an active member of The Golfgooroo Forum.