Here at GolfGooRoo global headquarters I get to meet all sorts of golfers.

Most are looking for a quick tip or fix to get their game back on track. Others, having been around the merry-go-round a few times, are after something much more reliable. I’m definitely interested in helping the later.

I’ve been telling golfers for a long time that there’s nothing sexy about improving your game. It takes time (there really are no quick fixes) and effort. And when you get to the heart of the issue, playing better golf can be broken down to these four things.

  • Work out where you want to hit the ball
  • Choose a golf club that will get it there
  • Hit the ball without internal interference
  • Repeat

And that’s about it. Matthew is starting to get it. He was telling me that it’s a little boring but it leads to great results. And despite being a very good golfer (you should see him whack that ball!) he too gets distracted from time to time. He’s now more focused and I know he’ll play better as a result.

I keep telling my little golf tribe that the four steps are non negotiable and I warn them that if they can’t follow them that I’ll have to put them in a headlock.

There’s no mystery or magic here. All that’s required is a little discipline and the courage to stick to the process. My challenge to you, if you’re not happy with your current golf game, is to put these four steps into action the next time you play. Forget everything else. Just four steps that can lead to so much more.

If, like Lukey, you continually get sidetracked and lose focus, I might have to put you in a headlock and then punch holes in you.