These kind of results in the image can’t be understated. It’s so important to feel comfortable on the course so you can trust and let your learning system shine.

For too long, golfers have been brainwashed into thinking that their technique is horrible, their putter is no good or that there is something wrong with them.
When a golfer learns to get out of their own way, and focus on bringing their most natural putting game to the surface, they can’t help but get results.
What kind of results?

That is up to the individual. But here are some things that golfers report back.
– less putts per round
– a dropping of handicap
– increased confidence
– more freedom
– better results under pressure

It’s my hope that golfers go deeper too. Move away from the external results like score and handicap and strive for satisfaction.

When golf becomes more satisfying the results we are looking for happen as a natural side-benefit. We don’t need to bust our hump, spend long hours on the practice green and we certainly don’t need to change our stroke mechanics every other day.

Look & Shoot is a learning methodology that will give you the tools to find YOUR natural putting game. Yes, there’s some technical advice, but it’s wrapped up in a way that won’t destroy your game in the process.

It can work for all golfers who are dissatisfied with their putting. And it should be of particular interest to those golfers who can do other parts of the game well, but are continually let down by inconsistent results on the green.

For these golfers, the book offers huge learning (and success) opportunities.

Check it out while it’s fresh in your mind. And you might be able to relax and start putting your best when you need to most.