What’s the simplest and easiest shot I can hit right now?

If you’re struggling with your game, playing inconsistently and are just stuck, then this is the phrase I want you to have ringing in your ears the next time you play.

Aim to hit the simplest and easiest shot. Not the one you think you should be playing or the one Pesky tells you to hit. But the easiest – typically, this is the first shot that comes into your mind. Here are some hints;

  • Don’t take driver from every tee
  • Aim for the front of the green instead of the flagstick
  • Putt from off the green instead of using your lob wedge
  • Chip out from a tough lie instead of going for the miracle shot
  • Make “your” swing instead of trying to win a long drive competition

You get the idea. The hard part will be committing to this for the entire round. Harder still is committing for life.


The World’s Simplest Golf Lesson shows you this approach on video.

Get the book. My golf book on playing better golf without changing your swing.