I don’t usually recommend typical golf tips. For the most part they don’t work and really don’t allow you to improve your golf. Here’s a random bunch of golf tips that might help.

1. Spend 5 minutes a week practicing 1 metre putts (the carpet at home is perfect)
2. Buy some Almost Golf Balls and start chipping in the backyard
3. Learn to play with half a set (you should even play a competition or two)
4. Swing more freely as your round progresses (by the time you reach the 18th you should be loose and free flowing)
4. Chip with a 6 iron (leave the lob wedge in the bag)
5. Drink water instead of those sports drink (they have way too much sugar in them)
6. When more than 200 metres from the pin hit you 7 iron instead of a 3 wood or long iron (go on, give it a go)
7. Get a rangefinder (these really do help you)
8. Learn something interesting about each new playing partner (can you remember their name?)
9. Walking while bouncing a tennis ball will help your golf (and your fitness)
10. Focus on where you want the ball to finish – not on your swing
11. Play a new course every now and then
12. Play from the back tees once in a while (ditto from the red tees)
13. Avoid bunkers at all cost (seriously consider altering your game plan)
14. Feel each shot you make (can you rate how good (or bad) each shot feels?)
15. Warm up in a net (not the practice fairway)
16. A conservative strategy is almost always better than the agressive shot you want to hit. Do you have the guts to hit the conservative shot?
17. Leave the driver in the car – at least for a round or two
18. Avoid changing your swing after a bad shot – keep playing
19. Learn a new shot (can you hit a bunker shot with a 5 iron?)
20. Play more golf – this is the best advice of all

I told you they were random.