How To Slow Down

“Take your time!” or “You rushed that shot!” These are things golfers have been told forever. But, how does one take their time? The main point here is that it’s normally not enough to just slow down. Why? Because if your process is all...

A really stupid golf lesson

I’ve given up on reading most golf related information. This includes websites, magazines and email newsletters. I just don’t get that much from them and have long since stopped worrying about my golf swing or hitting the ball further. The other day an...

A better golf lesson

“I must be lifting my head. I’m doing something wrong. I can’t hit the ball!”. These were the comments coming from Andrew. No doubt he was struggling a bit with his golf game, but he was about to get some Strachan coaching. Me: You’re not...

Don’t forget to hit the ball

Friend: I had a lesson the other day and it didn’t go so well. Me: What happened? Friend: There was a lot of talking and the Pro got me to do a number of things each time I hit the ball. Me (interrupting): How did all the instruction make you feel? Friend:...

How far would you go?

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How far would you go?