The Path To Putting Success

The Path To Putting Success

The below email came from Simon (a Look & Shoot customer) and I think this is one of the most insightful emails I’ve received. Why? Because he highlights perfectly the path to real putting success. Here’s the email. I had an average round in tough...

I felt like I was going to vomit

This all happened years ago, well before I understood the importance of automatic learning. Here’s the story: I was playing for my golf team and I was expected to win. Our team was in contention for promotion and this match was do or die. And in an attempt to...

Thinking too much

  Last night’s Big Bash match offered all of us a lesson on how to combat a pressure situation. The game went down to the last ball and I reckon the bowling team made a huge mistake. Simon Milenko, the bowler for Hobart, was on fire. He almost single...

Some golf pros have a way to go …

I was at the Queensland Open over the weekend to have a look. It was great to walk the fairways and get up and close to watch the pros play. Those boys can certainly hit the ball and many of them can’t be far from cracking it on a bigger tour somewhere. Many of...