Dumb Shot Addiction

Do you let stupid shots ruin your score? Like when you go for the hero shot when you know you should play safe? Pesky is the biggest problem here. That little voice that’s in your ear and he keeps telling you, “Go for it! You can do it”. And the...

Juggling and playing better golf

One of the best coaching performances I ever saw came from an emergency school teacher. It was a Year 11 English class, and because the regular teacher was absent, this poor guy was thrown into the deep end and told to look after my class for 45 minutes. I can’t...

Golfers are a strange bunch that’s for sure

An interesting time in my golf development was during the scientific study which happened back in 2004. I got to work really closely with some of the smartest people on the planet and I got to see first hand how their brains worked. It was fascinating, and once they...