Even more thoughts on Tiger Woods

It must be “talking about Tiger” month. At the risk of boring everyone here’s another article that was written in April 2012. It’s highly relevant from the two previous articles that have appeared on www.GolfGooroo.com (here and here)....

Dear Tiger

Dear Tiger, I woke this morning and saw you shot 85. What’s happening mate? Don’t expect you to listen to what I’ve got to say because you’re no doubt too busy trying to fix your swing, reprogram your swing or find something that can get you...

This would never happen …

Tiger Woods walks into a pro shop and asks the instructor for a lesson. If the pro had any integrity he might say something like this, “Are you serious? You’re Tiger, like the best player ever! I’m not interested. Here’s my best advice: Stop...

Is this Tiger’s new secret?

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/91931309″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Tiger’s new secret.

Augusta Penalty Shots

Tianlang Guan copped a penalty for slow play on Friday afternoon. And so he should have. Slow play is a blight on the game and the sooner the game’s hierarchy stamp it out the better. It was unfortunate for the 14 year-old to be on the receiving end, but just...