There is no better way to improve your golf than with a coach who is dedicated to helping you. When the instruction and delivery is correct, magic can happen that allows for improvement far beyond what you’d think possible.

Good coaches need knowledge in mechanics, learning, psychology, strategy and equipment. Timothy Gallwey, author of the Inner Game of Golf,  says the very best coaches are those that understand natural learning not just mechanics. I agree.

Gallwey’s book, The Inner Game of Golf, transformed the way I thought about the game. His ideas and concepts got me back on track when I thought I had lost my natural golf game forever. After reading his book for the first time, and then implementing what I learned, I was able to shoot 14 rounds in a row of par or better.

This was an amazing time. His wisdom got me out of a slump and helped me realise that I had the talent inside me to be a better player. Prior to that I played with a lot of doubt and fear – I was definitely nowhere near where I should have been.

In recent times I’ve been lucky to work with coaches like Kendal McWade and Scott Barrow. Both were able to challenge me and help far more than just on swing technique. And their advice went further than standard mental game techniques too. What I’ve been able to learn has offered more meaning and satisfaction. This has resulted in longer term results and more way more fun.

When I built The Ultimate Golfer (TUG) I wanted a place where I could share everything that I’ve learned. I wanted to go deep so golfers everywhere could further their development and push themselves to play to a higher standard. To be honest I’ve become frustrated at the plethora of technical sites that now dominate the internet – most just rehash the same old and tired content. So TUG is my way of fighting back, giving frustrated golfers a place where they can learn, grow and make meaningful improvement.

When asked today why golfers should join I came up with these responses;

  • Contains the full biomechanical golf swing model BioSwing
  • Gives you the steps to mastering BioSwing (I’ve spent considerable time making this as easy as possible)
  • Gives you the WHY and the HOW (important)
  • Contains the complete Perfect Putting product with bonus case studies and videos
  • I go into great detail on how to improve your short game (including chipping, pitching and bunkers)
  • The performance section might be the most detailed content assembled on mastering your game. If you’ve ever struggled to take your game from the practice fairway to the first tee, then this is the information is for you.
  • There is a comment section under each lesson so you can learn from others and post your own comment
  • All learning modalities are covered – video, audio, text and imagery are used
  • There’s a new forum where I cut loose and share new information and post thought provoking threads.

All up there’s over 150 golf lessons that have been designed to help you breakthrough and play the golf you know you’re capable of. There’s nothing fancy, no BS and certainly no rehashed garbage that you’ve seen before. I’m so confident that TUG will have a positive impact on your game that there’s a full guarantee if you don’t lower your scores or start playing with more enjoyment.

Check out TUG in full here.