Dear golfer,

What a past couple of days I’ve had!

It started on Sunday when my twin brother James (also known as Shug) and I were renovating my new golf studio. We were dismantling a huge room divider and hopefully going to use it for a putting green. I’m lucky because Shug can make just about anything and has a great imagination for turning junk into something useful. When it comes to that sort of thing I have no idea and usually just get in the way.

Shug was busy dismantling the required parts (I was an interested onlooker) when suddenly the room divider toppled over and landed on top of him! At first it looked like he managed to catch the divider but then his legs gave way under the weight. At this point I was extremely concerned that this was going to be a very ugly incident – I thought for a moment he could have been crushed to death!

I was relived to see him crawl out from underneath. At first it looked like he had come through uninjured but unfortunately he had messed up his leg pretty badly. I’ll spare you all of the details but he had broken his leg in a few places and also dislocated his ankle. He was rushed to hospital and had surgery late in the day . He is a bit sore and sorry for himself but will make a full recovery. What a relief! Get well soon Shuggy!

Shug is my chief designer and manufacturer of all my golf products. He has done such a great job in turning my ideas into a physical product. I don’t know how he does it – wait until you see the Bunker Buster, it’s fantastic! Unfortunately he’ll be out of action for a month or two, so if you have ordered a product recently there will be some delay in receiving it. I’ll be contacting everyone in person shortly but I thought I’d give you the heads up here. Sorry in any delay but the alternative was for me to assemble the new products and that wouldn’t be a good idea 🙂


I have spent the last couple of days in Townsville with a club maker with a difference. Mike is a retired scientist ( I can’t remember the field exactly but it had something to do with chemicals) who has turned his hand to golf. His golf clubs have to be seen (and felt) to be believed. He has scoured the globe looking for the best components and then painstakingly assembles each club so they are perfect. It takes him a full two days to make each set. Truly amazing.

Mike uses mathematics and science to make his clubs. The end result is a set of irons that feel and swing the same. This means that your pitching wedge and 3 iron feel similar when you swing them. He has also done extensive research and testing on the driving clubs. One driver he showed me he described as “the perfect club”. The balance of each club is ideal and because he uses only the best components, the clubs look fantastic. His ideas are new but already have attracted the attention of many golf professionals looking for an edge.

What blew me away was after testing my clubs he could tell me what irons I liked and which ones I didn’t like. You know how you have a club that doesn’t feel right? Mike can test it and better still fix it so that it matches a club that you do like. He uses advanced equipment and years of experience to do this. I can’t tell you everything (I had to sign a non disclosure) but let me say that he has thrown away traditional ideas of club making and come up with something that will transform club making in the future.

I should also say that I dabbled in scientific club assembly in the past, but gave up on it when the mathematics couldn’t produce usable golf clubs. The science was right but the clubs were terrible. Mike has taken it to the next level. His clubs are like Samurai swords. A work of art, perfectly balanced and incredibly effective!

The best news is that Mike sees a perfect fit with my coaching ideas (I gave the locals a brief presentation) and wants to work together. We feel that if you mix my natural learning ideas with a perfect set of golf clubs then you will improve your game. From what I have seen this is not hype or a false promise. I believe these clubs will improve your swing and make achieving an automated golf game even easier.

These clubs will not be for everyone. They are expensive and it involves quite a process to get them. You can’t walk into a local shop and buy them. Each set has to be tailored to the individual and each club tripled checked as standard protocol. They take time and a lot of love to produce. You may have heard of customised club making before, but I guarantee you haven’t seen anything like this. I’m only the third person he has shown.

If you’d like to learn more then please send me an email stating “Cameron, tell me more about these perfect golf clubs”. We can then start a discussion to see if you are a fit for them.

I’ll be telling you more about what Mike does in future posts.


So it’s been a busy few days. I am so far behind on emails that I’ll be spending most of today catching up. I also have some more interesting lessons to share with you. I’ve been a bit slack with my blog the last few days but will make it up.

Good golfing,

Cameron Strachan