What am I doing wrong?

Hardly a day goes by where a golfer doesn’t ask me something like: “Help! What’s wrong with my game?” or “Cameron, I have missed a few putts lately, what am I doing wrong?” or “I have been playing quite well of late, but the...
Tour Player Learns To Putt More Freely

Tour Player Learns To Putt More Freely

Earlier this week I had the privilege of an all-day coaching session with Matthew Guyatt. Matt plays here in Australia and on the Japanese tour. I hadn’t met Matt before but through a mutual friend I had heard quite a bit about him. I learned that Matt is an excellent...
“But the golf swing isn’t a natural action”

“But the golf swing isn’t a natural action”

This is often the argument presented when I tell others that most modern instruction is too technical and doesn’t work too well*. My response? But learning is instinctive to us all. So despite the fact that nobody is born with a golf club in their hand, we all possess...
Metal On Plastic

Metal On Plastic

It’s easy to get distracted. Our Pesky mind can throw all sorts of stuff our way: – Don’t go in the water – Oh boy, it’s very windy today – My swing doesn’t feel right – Keep out of the trees – This putt is for birdie and I never birdie this hole – Please don’t stuff...

Golf Digest USA

I’m doing some research and I’m after 10 – 14 recent editions of Golf Digest (The USA version, not Australian). If you have these (or know someone who does) I would be most grateful if you could help me get my hands on these magazines. If you could...

Golfonic Training Aides

If you’re looking for Golfonic training aides then you’re in the right place. I’m (Cameron) the only distributor of these devices and Golfonic will soon be all under the GolfGooRoo name. The Golfonic Swing Trainer can be found here. The Golfonic...