Learning to play your best golf more of the time

Yesterday afternoon I was hitting some shots from the bottom tee at the Golf Farm (I’m still trying to think of a better name but GF seems to have stuck). I was testing out some new range balls that arrived while simultaneously whacking a three-wood that I...

The path to a consistent golf swing

Mr X was flushing the ball. Every shot came off pure and was right out of the middle. Shot after shot. And it was quite funny to me because; – he told me he had a 20 handicap. What! This guy was a bushranger. 20 handicappers don’t normally hit the ball so...

My latest golf improvement discovery

The golf farm is nearly finished and I’ll be writing a complete update later this week. Over the last week I’ve been hitting a lot of balls. Been giving the facility a good working out and I’ve been having a ball. Haven’t hit this many balls in...

Truth about a consistent golf game

Over the last few years I’ve been quizzing readers what their biggest golf frustration is. And the thing that keeps coming up time and time again is consistency. Of the hundreds of people surveyed, over 80% say they’re frustrated at their inability to play...