If you’re going to improve your golf you might as well do it for a long period of time. I’m not too impressed with golfers that are a ‘flash in the pan’, who appear once in a while, shooting some good scores and then disappear. I think it is possible to not only be consistent, but to do so over a long period of time.

The only way to be an enduring golfer is to develop good technique and then learn to perform your skill on an automatic basis. This gives you two benefits;

  • you maximise your chances of playing well
  • you minimise the likelihood of getting injured

All this means that you can keep playing well for the longest period of time. Golf becomes more enjoyable when you can do this. Imagine being able to play well on a consistent basis and do so for many years? This I believe is one of the most important things a golfer can learn to do.

So much of traditional golf instruction by bypasses this approach. Quick fixes and tips do not allow for mastery to be learned or a successful long-term golf game to be owned. Many golfers chase their tail looking for a miracle cure in a golf magazine or golf lesson. Rarely does this work for any length of time. Once the magic (if it works at all) wears off the golfer is forced to try something different again. Usually the search is just wasted time and effort…with a horrible golf game the result.

The effort to do it properly from the start is well worth it. It is also not that difficult.

  1. get the best instruction on the golf swing possible
  2. understand the learning process so you can automate your skills
  3. play golf consistently well for the duration of your career

It’s not hard and the information to learn this is readily available on this website.