An interesting human trait

I was listening to a business expert talk the other day. He made an interesting observation about being successful in business. His message definitely relates to learning golf and touches on a human trait that stagnates performance. Here’s what he said. When you...

The White Zone

The video below has caused some questions and needs further review. The White, Grey and Blue Zone watch the video to learn more. [flashvideo file= /] I have called the state most golfers play in the, White Zone. This is...

A golfing confession…

The last few years have been good for me. My golf game has continued to improve and I have found a way to play consistently. For the most part I enjoy golf more and I’ve had my fair share of success. But you can’t win all the time… My last few...

The Statistician – it’s a numbers game…NOT!

I’ll be honest with you. I hate stats. They bore me and I don’t find them that helpful. Stats are just a representation of the game…not the game itself and provide no real benefit. At least this is my opinion. Statistics are playing a bigger part in...