Sam was close to quitting golf. When he contacted me he was frustrated because he had no consistency – shooting a good score one day and then feeling like a hacker the next. If you play golf then you know how this feels.

He bought my book and applied the lessons. Something resonated with him, sorta like he knew what he was doing incorrectly but needed to hear the message from someone else. Almost like he had permission to follow his gut and leave the garbage behind.

I was delighted to receive the following email over the weekend.

My first official round after “The World’s simplest golf lesson…. First round of our Senior club Championship 1 under par 70, 5 birdies an eagle and 1 bad hole. I had to go all the way to Australia to find my swing and it was here all the time. Thank You so much for your insight on learning this silly game.

Even when you think you’ve lost all hope and chance of playing good golf, success is rarely that far away. Usually you’ve got to take a step back, reset the attitude and play with less thought, not more. His email made my day.

Here’s a screen capture of his scorecard.

Update: Sam went on to finish second in the Club Championships. The 2nd round didn’t always go to plan but I’m sure he learned a lot. This blog post covers some of the issues Sam encountered on day two.

You are so right Cameron, 2nd day of Senior Club Championship, started out great, 1 under after 7 holes then I lost my focus over the ball …then could feel myself go back to conscious thoughts in the middle of my swing and started hitting wayward shots, wound up shooting 77 and coming in second place. I NEVER quit on my routine though the whole round. Last week i was ready to quit the game and not even going to play in the championship, so I’m very happy with my first 2 rounds after your system. thanks Cameron!

I like this because it’s real. There’s no unbelievable score or super amazing play – no hype either. Sam let go and was able to discover his authentic game and get back to playing golf the way he knows how. In time he’ll get better as Automatic Golf becomes, well, more automatic.

If you haven’t read my golf book, listened to the accompanying audio and watched the videos, then there is no better endorsement than Sam’s story. The package will give you greater clarity and the impetus to get your golf game out of the gutter and back on the podium. Click here to get your own copy.

Thanks for reading.