There is a different way of fixing your swing. Instead of searching for the quick fix or that magical tip, let the technique find you.

And you do this by playing the game – choose a target, relax and whack that ball. It sounds a little radical but when you’re playing golf you’re actually working on your swing anyway. But, and this is important, you’re also maximising your chances of playing your best (read: shooting the lowest score possible).

When you’re continually in a thinking/worrying/fixing mindset you give your system no chance of performing at its peak. You’ll get a mix bag of results and most of it bad. If your game is inconsistent then I can almost guarantee you’re not really 100% committed to swinging the sticks.

Letting go and playing the game is a huge step for most – but you’ve really got no other option if score is important to you. Take a deep breath, relax, get clear on your intention and let rip. You’ll surprise yourself with what finds you. Letting your ideal golf technique find you is way quicker than the alternative.