Is this really an easier way to swing the golf club?

I received this email from Phil. He lives in the UK and has had a nice transformation with his golf game and he has potentially ended 12 years of frustration. He also highlights one of the worst myths in golf. Here’s his email: “Hi Cameron, I would just...

4 ways to fix your golf swing

Ever since being involved in a major biomechancal study into the golf swing and creating a simpler (but) accurate swing model, I’ve spent many hours perfecting the coaching process. One of the highlights of the study was getting to hang out with really smart...

[My brain hurts] Golf Technique Conundrum

I have had a break from Golfgooroo for the last month. And I’ve enjoyed it. A chance to refresh the batteries and focus on some other important projects. In fact, over the last month I don’t think I’ve ever written and worked as much (work is...

Why golf improvement is so difficult

Have you ever wondered why improving at golf is so difficult? I did, and decided to do something about it. So much of golf instruction is based on ideas and opinion. There isn’t a lot of fact. Thanks to scientific research and testing I now have a solid...