Can you have two golf swings?

Can you have two golf swings?

Can a golfer really have two golf swings? Like, a swing for when they hit their irons and one for when they hit their driver? Or a different swing when they get under pressure and really need to hit a straight shot? Or, can the keep reverting back and forth between a...
The Problem With Positional Golf

The Problem With Positional Golf

One only needs to take a quick look at one of the social media channels to see a plethora of swing instructions. And for the most part, the techniques presented all revolve around set positions. Or achieving these positions. The golf industry now has a standard set of...
My 399 Yard Golf Drive

My 399 Yard Golf Drive

If you’ve been around here long you’ll know I don’t get to play that much golf. Clare, my CEO of Everything, runs a pretty tight ship and we’re very busy with kids, kids sport and the general chaos that is our life. But I do keep myself in half-handy golf shape and...
“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

Over the last week or so I’ve been sending emails about my natural learning ideas. You can see more here and here. When I start talking about this golf philosophy/learning stuff, without fail, this always happens… … I get an email (actually many) that goes something...

The Perfect Golf Swing Is A Myth

Trying really hard to make a “perfect” golf swing is the WRONG thing to do. Here are some reasons why: Nobody in the golf industry can agree on what is the “perfect” golf swing. Trying too hard takes a lot of energy and you can waste years (yes...