Is this really an easier way to swing the golf club?

I received this email from Phil. He lives in the UK and has had a nice transformation with his golf game and he has potentially ended 12 years of frustration. He also highlights one of the worst myths in golf. Here’s his email: “Hi Cameron, I would just...

Was this guy a golf swing guru?

Many years ago, I worked with a guy who was a complete golf swing guru. He had all the knowledge and could talk ALL day about swing theory. And I was excited to learn how to: Swing The Club On Plane (this was all the rage) Sync My Upper Body With My Lower Body (this...

Why playing the game is more important than everything else

[content_box_yellow width=”75%”]Warning: This post is mostly about AFL football. I know it’s not golf, but I think there’s an important lesson to be learned here. There are lessons for golfers (and vice versa) in all sports. If you’re not...

The old-fashioned way to develop talent

I’ve written about Greg Chappell previously and he certainly has a similar mindset to me when it comes to learning and coaching sport. I was forwarded this Greg Baum article by a reader and it offers a contrarian approach to developing talent. Chappell believes...

Some coaching is just plain wrong!

This post is going to discuss one of the most important emails I’ve received. It came from Brock (a regular reader) and was in response to this post on cricket. I’m going to add my own thoughts throughout and shed more light on the problems of traditional...