Instead of tweaking and adjusting your swing (as I know you do now), try this.
Relax. Seriously, try and relax your body and mind. (I learned from a really smart scientist that if you can relax your face muscles you’ll also relax your mind. It really works!)
Take a deep breath.
And swing with more freedom and enthusiasm than your last swing.
You may need to adjust your game plan a little. Placing the driver back in the bag is a good start. It will also help if you can stop thinking. Pesky will be doing his best to give you a hundred reasons why the ball is not going where you want it to go. But you’ve got to ignore this. Simplifying your thinking will almost always get your out of a slump.
Side note: Over thinking leads to choking. The adult condition that more control and thought will help is wrong. If you tend to think too much I’m willing to bet that you choke under pressure. If you continually ruin a good round with two or three bad holes you’re definitely choking. If you struggle to play your best golf under the pump then you’ve gotta stop thinking so much.
When you hit a bad shot or two you want to condition yourself to think less and play with more freedom. This is the hardest, but most important, golf lesson you’ll ever learn.