I believe in being different. It’s not that I’m against traditional concepts, it’s just that most of them haven’t worked that well for my golf game.

This is a risky post to write (that’s why I’m writing it) because I could come across as a renegade and golf basher. But that’s not my intention.

We can get so engrossed in our way of doing things, that sometimes we’re blind to a different option. And potentially that different way is a better way. I fumbled around for years with my golf game until I realised that the talent was already inside me – that I didn’t need to keep searching for better technique. Hopefully this opens your eyes to new possibilities.

I get strange looks from golfers when I tell them what I do. Most are attracted to the golf swing model I helped develop – but when I tell them that the golf swing is only a part of the puzzle it seems I have two heads.

But I don’t back down. Not for anyone. I explain my case as best I can and move on. People often think I’m being different just to be difficult. It’s not the case. For me it’s about finding greater enjoyment and satisfaction – something traditional instruction and mindset didn’t give me.

So I thought I’d put a list of things that I do that challenges the norm.

1. Don’t think about technique. This always causes a few comments. I can honestly say that I’m not concerned about my swing or technique when I play. I think about where I want the ball to go, but I’m not fussed with how it gets there. This has been liberating and fun at the same time. It has also been the reason why the last few years have been the best of my career.

2. I don’t practice. Sure, I’ve hit a lot of balls in my time and it hasn’t hurt me. But I no longer spend time doing what most would consider regular practice. I get my practice when I’m playing golf. Playing golf is the best practice of all. I need to add that I spend a few minutes each week chipping balls in the backyard (with Almost Golf Balls). But this is fun time where I’m exploring and challenging myself (like trying to hit the clothes line four times in a row).

3. Don’t change clubs very often. I haven’t really bought into the technology thing. Sure, I have a titanium driver with a graphite shaft, but I don’t rush out and buy new clubs each year. My irons were bought in 2000 (they’re antiques) and I’ve had the same driver and putter for years now. Many of us get distracted by technology – I don’t think it helps that much if you’re not able to play without fear.

4. Stopped having lessons. I should point out I mean traditional golf lessons. I have regular coaching sessions with Scott Barrow (he pushes and challenges me really hard) but I don’t do normal lessons. To be honest I got bored with them. It was tiring always working on something and never being able to get there.

I once spent over 18 months working on my set-up. After my frustration reached boiling point the coach said the changes wouldn’t help that much anyway. I didn’t go back after that.

5. Don’t try and hit the ball straight. Sometimes it goes straight (when I miss hit it) but I’ve played my best golf when I fade my driver and hook my irons. This doesn’t make much sense I know, but what does? When I started playing the shots that felt comfortable to me this is what I came up with.

When I stand on the tee and am able to hit a fade it feels great. The same when I can draw in an iron shot. Sometimes the hole shape goes against me and I have to improvise but this is what makes the game challenging.

6. Play golf. “Play” or “playing” is what a kids do in the park. It the same with a cat and a ball of string. I try and approach golf in the same way. If I can become absorbed in the art of hitting the ball and playing the game then I’ve had a good day.

Most of us take the game far too seriously to play. Many have long forgotten that golf is a game.

7. Score not important. I’m still working on this one. I love to shoot good scores but I’m realising that score is not the most important thing. Turning up, playing the game and learning something gives me more meaning. The paradox is that when I forget about the score I usually end up with a result I’m pleased with.

Grayden, regular reader and contributor, is embarking on this mission too.

There are probably more but this is a good start. Hopefully they stir your thoughts and open up more discussion. Leave your thoughts below.