I got thinking today on what my favourite golf books are. I’ve read hundreds of books on golf, psychology and learning but I rate the following books as my all time best.

  1. Mind Swings – by Masters and Burns
  2. Extraordinary Golf – Fred Shoemaker
  3. The Inner Game of Golf – W. Tim Gallwey

If you haven’t read them before then I suggest you get your hands on a copy. If you have read them then go read them again. You’ll get an insight or two that will ignite your game.

I’ve also stumbled onto a website that provides plenty of content on natural learning and playing golf your way. This website lists many resources and the author is a perfect example of what can be achieved when you learn to play more naturally. Well worth a look. Visit the Artful Golfer and be sure to say hi from me 🙂

Let me know if you have any other recommendations.

Good golfing,

Cameron Strachan