“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

Over the last week or so I’ve been sending emails about my natural learning ideas. You can see more here and here. When I start talking about this golf philosophy/learning stuff, without fail, this always happens… … I get an email (actually many) that goes something...

4 ways to fix your golf swing

Ever since being involved in a major biomechancal study into the golf swing and creating a simpler (but) accurate swing model, I’ve spent many hours perfecting the coaching process. One of the highlights of the study was getting to hang out with really smart...

The problem with trying to fix your golf swing

To get the full back story about this golf lesson, head over to this post that I wrote earlier in 2013. Richard really is one of the best golfers I’ve played with. He plays quickly Doesn’t stuff about in any shape or form Doesn’t take himself too...