“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

“Can you help me fix my golf swing?”

Over the last week or so I’ve been sending emails about my natural learning ideas. You can see more here and here. When I start talking about this golf philosophy/learning stuff, without fail, this always happens… … I get an email (actually many) that goes something...

The Gear Effect

Here at GolfGooRoo Global Headquarters I often get accused of not caring much about swing mechanics. This is not the case … … I just think that we tend to place too much significance on the swing and not enough on actually playing the game. Here’s a...

How finding the love of your life can help your golf game

Do you want to play better golf? Most golfers that write to me do but the vast majority don’t know how to do it. First of all let’s define what better golf is. My simple version is being able to play good golf out on the golf course. For most golfers this...