Tennis and a better golf game

Whack. Whack. Whack. My first memory of tennis was when I was around 7 or 8 years of age when I was belting a ball against the side of the house. Note: I know. I know. This is meant to be about golf (not tennis) but I promise there’s a great golf lesson here. I...

A simpler process to better golf

Over the weekend I was chatting to a mate about his golf game. This guy is a complete geek and wanted me to smash him between the eyes with a better process. He didn’t want me to hold back and wanted what I think is the best ways for golfing success. As a full...

A golf tip that can work wonders

Idon’t like golf tips or quick fixes one bit. I don’t think they work that well and generally are full of false hope and promises. Although many golf publications rely on golf tips for income – I strongly believe they do more harm than good. The...

Why playing more golf might not help your score

How good could you become if you had all of the time in the world to play and practice? Think about it? Imagine if you didn’t have to work and could devote yourself full-time to lowering your handicap. Wouldn’t this be every golfer’s dream? To play...

What I learned from The Open

So Greg Norman couldn’t quite hang on. I think his effort was more than commendable and he should be proud of what he has done. Norman made the Tigerless Open something worth talking about. He didn’t seem to have the same spark on the last day. A nervous...