Golf coaching with Christian

I’m a bit of a nutter when it comes to coaching kids. I think it’s very easy for parents/coaches/adults to over-coach and ultimately make golf harder than it needs to be. This happened to me and I suppose I have a chip on my shoulder about it. Here’s...

The simplest golf lesson of all

Received the below from a reader this morning. Golf is purely individual. It’s how YOU play the game, not someone else. It’s you who hits the ball, not your playing partner, your coach, or anyone else, but you. It’s how you play your game that makes...

What 10 years of Automatic Golf has taught me…

2015 is my unofficial 10th year of playing what I call Automatic Golf. I definitely stumbled onto it during the early 90’s but I was too dumb (and brainwashed) to realise. The light certainly went on in the early naughties but I was too busy galavanting around...