Why Automatic Golf Is Not Working For You

Why Automatic Golf Is Not Working For You

This is a question that I have received about 10,000 times over my journey… “Cameron, I have given Automatic Golf a try and it’s not working now, what is happening?” I can guarantee you’re struggling to let go and you’re thinking too much about what you’re trying to...
The Grumpy Golfer

The Grumpy Golfer

The guy wasn’t the most fun to play with. He was always grumpy. Always complaining. Rarely happy with his golf game. And because he was a prickly character, hardly anyone wanted to play with him. One day, out of the blue, he turned up at my golf studio for a lesson....
Simple Putting Advice

Simple Putting Advice

I was doing some coaching the other day with a Look & Shoot client who was a having some trouble. Like a lot of adult golfers, this guy was making things more complicated and therefore way more difficult than they needed to be. And, he was also making a common...
The Problem With Positional Golf

The Problem With Positional Golf

One only needs to take a quick look at one of the social media channels to see a plethora of swing instructions. And for the most part, the techniques presented all revolve around set positions. Or achieving these positions. The golf industry now has a standard set of...
My 399 Yard Golf Drive

My 399 Yard Golf Drive

If you’ve been around here long you’ll know I don’t get to play that much golf. Clare, my CEO of Everything, runs a pretty tight ship and we’re very busy with kids, kids sport and the general chaos that is our life. But I do keep myself in half-handy golf shape and...